Hello Y10
You will do your Controlled Assessments this week. This is worth 25% of you overall English Literature GCSE grade so it is imperative that you are committed to success. You are responsible for this!
You will have written your essay now so have a clear idea in your head of what you will put on paper in the actual CA. We'll spend a little time at the beginning of the lesson making sure you know what you're going to write. . I think you should memorise as much of the essay as possible. This might seem huge, but remember you also have time in between the lessons so remember the section you'll write about in that hour. For example, in the first lesson you'll need to know your introduction and the first two paragraphs.
You have a success criteria for every aspect of the essay (the introduction, PEE+ and conclusion: use them. There are links to them in this blog; there are also links to a wealth of information that will support you. Use the the search bar or scroll down.
Here is the PowerPoint from last lesson with me.
You have a fabulous bank of information in you book; ensure that you use this. We've been working on it for a while and the CA is a chance for you to show off the amazing amount of work you have completed and learnt.
After we've finished this, we're going to look at spoken language. Exciting!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Ms Caldwell
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