Saturday, 28 April 2012

Revision 2

OK, firstly, you need to ensure that you have completed last week's Anthology revision.
YOU MUST COMPLETE 3 HOURS OF REVISION EVERY WEEK. I will ask you to tell me what you have done (as well as also spot testing you on the Anthology revision
This week we are again splitting it into Literature and language. Lots of you this week felt like you had forgotten LOTF. Yikes. Therefore:

  • make revision cards for LOTF and OMAM like the ones we have in class. These need to be stuck somewhere where you will look at the often. These should be theme and character based. Use the labels on the right-hand side of this post to take you to lessons. There will also be links in these posts. When you do the characters, have on the cards what the most significant things that happen to them and have quote to learn (at least one and a half hours work here).

  • work on your sentence structures and writing for Section B, Q5 and 6 with this video. It give you a link to the next one when it's finished.Then move on to There are some ideas of things to write about in the Q6 ppt below.
Top Tip: work with someone else. Get someone in your home or a friend to test you, discuss etc. 


Leave a comment if you are stuck and I will get back to you ASAP.

Best wishes,

Friday, 27 April 2012

LotF Mock Exam Feedback

You should be very clear on what you need to do to do well in the LotF question. Know those targets!
Here's the lesson:

Q4 Language Exam

So much of this is about exam skill at this stage. Know what you are going to be asked to do in each question.
Here is Q4 (I've taken all the Speaking and Listening stuff out as not to confuse you).

Section B Q6 Higher Paper

Dear Y11

Here's the lesson for Section B Q6 of your Language exam. This was the lesson I left for cover.
You can repeat this over and over again with the normal argue things.
E.g. Why smoking should be banned, why children should travel free on buses, why we should have a three day week, why you should be given a million pounds or why you should be able to go on an extreme sport holiday. There - there's a good few hour work right there!


Saturday, 21 April 2012

Your Revision

Ok guys, it's the final push.
Use this blog now to guide your revison.
By Monday's lesson you should have completed 3 hours of English Revision. It's actually very difficult for me to check up on this, however, you need to think about what you really want on that sunny August day when you come in to get your results. Working now is going to make you feel good on that day. So, to use MM's terminology, basically yeah, show you are mature and take responsibility for your own learning.

Here's what you should have completed for Monday's lesson (some of this was your Easter Homework too so you should be well on top of it. If you're not, have a word with yourself!).

  1. A completed Poetry Mock Exam
  2. A fully annotated Anthology, guided by the little pink booklet that you've been given.
  3. Four poems that you have selected to know really well (I will give you spot checks)
  4. At least six openings to exam questions using the AO1 and AO3 (comparison) skills that we worked on the other day. 
  5. At least 30 minutes looking through the poems and all of the other English resources on Cherwell Online
Well done! You are very nearly there.

The Poetry Exam - English Literature

Hello lovely Y11

Alas, we have only a few more weeks together...

In this time, using this blog is absolutely crucial to guide you revision. Use the labels on the right-hand side.

Here is the Poetry exam lesson we did the other day. Here's a link to the poem for unseen practice.

Poetry Exam 

View more presentations from MsCaldwell.

Best wishes,