My Goodness! I nearly forgot to give you some guidance for your Christmas reading list - sorry.
The reading list is really a work in progress as I'm hoping to get your feedback on what you like to put something more comprehensive together.
As you know, next term we'll be studying Macbeth and Frankenstein. Any reading you can do around this over the holiday will help greatly. It will be quite intensive once we get back and I advise that you do so. Use these links for Macbeth and Frankenstein for some study around the contexts and literary features. There are also some interesting things on YouTube. Both texts are much studied for GCSE so there are a multitude of resource online.
Any reading helps improve your writing as you learn vocabulary and about sentence structures and have good fun at the same time! Any reading is good; you could read magazines. I recommend about 30mins/day.
Books that I think you will enjoy are (new and old...):
- Lord of The Flies
- Vernon God Little
- The Curious Incident
- Black Rabbit Summer
- Catcher in The Rye
- Jane Eyre
- Waves
- Of Mice and Men
- Witch Child
- Soldier Boy
I've even put a link on each so that you can find out a little more about them (my Christmas present to you!). I've tried to meet the needs of all the class. Please don't rule out the older books immediately; they become classics for a reason.
There are also reading list available online. This link gives suggestions and reviews of over 300 books for teenagers. Try this interactive book chooser and let me know how it works out.
Hope this keeps you going.
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!
Ms Caldwell